Save downloads periodically

After soulseek crashing the download queue is empty. Maybe there is a way to save the download queue to prevent that.
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psynaturecybine's picture

yes, i can confirm that it happens

Downloads and other settings are saved every hour after you connect. It would be nice if it saved them a bit more often (or you could manually save them at a time of your choosing), as the program can crash or you can lose power at any moment.

MELERIX's picture

every 5 minutes could be a reasonable time (by default) and better than 1 hour, if possible add an option for users, and every user could be able to control and customize the time.

Please add this feature. A manual "save downloads now" button or a timer option to save downloads at a given interval. i lost my downloads many times after a crash. :(

psynaturecybine's picture

this is already implemented in