PPA repositories for Debian-based Linux distributions

A simple binary without pre-made menu entries or proper placement can be harsh for inexperienced Linux users. PPA repository could help a lot about that...
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xvlvx's picture

Very good idea, in the meantime I've used this.

install ./SoulseekQt-2015-6-25-64bit /usr/local/bin/slsk

I wrote an install script with proper shortcuts/icon as well but I'm not sure if I can post it here.

nafanz's picture

This is a very good idea, ideally in general to include in the standard repositories Debian/Ubuntu
Interestingly, the developers are reading this forum?

Oh yeah, that would be nice! Good thing that SS binary works probably on all distributions, so you don`t have to play with compiling... but still having some PPA would be great idea. +1