Ignore bare dash in search terms

A bare hyphen "-" as a search term should be ignored. That is, a query of the form "artist - title" should be treated as if it were "artist title" without the dash. The results with the dash are likely to be empty, for whatever reason.
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MELERIX's picture

totally agree, the same with the "&" symbol.

I asked for the same thing but phrased differently: Search doesn't work if "-" character is included | Soulseek These requests should be merged.

Agreed. I think new users will copy and paste search terms into slsk including symbols and think slsk is no good as the results will be limited. Took me a while to figure it out anyway.

xichael's picture

I make this mistake all the time when copying text from Discogs. Please have dashes work to exclude search terms only when followed immediately by text, and ignore dashes when followed by a space.

I'll have a fix ready soon.

Should be addressed in the 4-21 build, under nightly builds.

information which is nice and interesting to see, thank you for wanting to share something steady.

sorry guys, this does not make any sense. the dash, "-" is and has always been to filter out results (eg: myband -mp3 returns results for myband, but not mp3). it also does not make sense since a search for "myband-myalbum" would be format-specific, that is, it would only find files with names formatted *precisely* in that way, whether "myband myalbum" would return results for myband, myalbum, in any way, order and position they appear in a directory/file name.