SoulseekQT in other langs ?

MELERIX's picture

is there plans to add support for SoulseekQT translations ? for example in a XML format.

the idea is to have multi-language support for GUI, like: French, Spanish, Italy, etc.

psynaturecybine's picture

if it ever happens, count me in, i'll translate with pleasure!

I want to help too for the Dutch language. I made already a manual for Qt in Dutch as well as in English , which you can find in my folder called Soulseek>SoulseekQt

Adding multi-language support with Qt is relatively simple. For starters, I've used the Qt tools to extract all of the strings that appear in the UI and prepared a translation file for Dutch:

It contains no actual translations yet. To fill it in, you'll need a tool called Qt Linguist, which is part of the Qt development framework. You can get the right version of the framework for your OS here:

Once it's installed, locate the Qt linguist tool and use it to open the above file. Once it's open you can translate each of the strings one by one. When you're done save the file and link to it here and we can start experimenting with switching languages in the client.

The are two general problems with this. Currently, the file only contains strings that were created in the Qt UI designer. If there are other strings in the code itself, I need to manually export them one by one. The other one is that whenever I add new UI, these translations need to be updated or the new strings will appear in English. At any rate, it doesn't hurt to try.

I started the translation of SoulseekQt in Dutch. I've some important questions. A lot of translated strings will contain more characters than the original string. I wonder if that's a problem, specially for strings in boxes as "Edit" (4 characters) which will be "Bewerk" (6 characters) in Dutch. Second question: is it a problem if I don't start each word with a capital, e.g. "Safe File" will be "Bewaar bestand".?
As soon I have completed the translation I will notice you via this forum.

If you add new UI, just add a link in the forum, like you did for the SoulseekQt_dutch.ts file, and I will translate it.

Two hours later:

I've finished the translation in Dutch and it can be found on:

To do the translation job I downloaded your file, but their are a lot of strings missing in it. E.g. I miss all the event related buttons.

Peter Leijsten

Hi Peter,

Don't worry about string length, we're going to go through several iterations before everything's good and ready anyway. Re: capitalization, if it makes more sense not to capitalize in Dutch, that's fine. Otherwise I'd rather keep things the same.

See my post at the bottom of the page regarding missing strings.

Thanks, Nir


I finished the new translation of SoulseekQt. Link is

I missed the string 'Days left' (privileges), it must be 'Dagen over'

Peter Leijsten

MELERIX's picture

I downloaded the QT web installer, then tried to install (take a lot of time) and at the end it failed.

anyway, the file "SoulseekQt_dutch.ts" can be opened with notepad++ is just a simple XML file with other extension (.ts) so you can change it back to .XML and edit it easily in notepad++.

I had the same problem, but I found a QtLinguist installer, that does work in a second. Add my name to your userslist, browse my list and you'll find the .exe file in the folder Soulseek>SoulseekQt

I'm not sure it's that simple. I'd really try to get the Qt Linguist tool installed.

psynaturecybine's picture

hi, i can make polish translations in closest time, just please prepare a file and explain a little bit more please

if it's possible to made a Spanish translation of the UI, let me know and I'll do it with pleasure. just tell me how.
many people I know would like to use Soulseek, but English UI is an obstacle for them.
thank you!

MELERIX's picture

I can help with complete spanish translation too, just make sure that translation is neutral spanish.

Here you go:


The files should be identical really. They're just empty placeholders for translations of any language. To fill them in you need to download the Qt installer and use Qt Linguist as outlined above. If you're running into any difficulty with any of the specific steps, please let me know and I'll go into more detail.

Thanks, Nir

MELERIX's picture

I downloaded QT Linguist from here: I hope is enough, now I'm starting to translate to spanish ;)

MELERIX's picture

here is my translation done ;)

Spanish (es_CL):

Looks great, thanks Melerix! I'll work it into the client as a language choice as soon as I can and post a link to a build here.

The language files below contain a whole bunch of strings I manually exported from the code, they retain the stuff you've already translated:


There's probably a few strings I missed, but this should cover most everything. I have the language switch feature up and running in the client, so once I have your translations I'll link to a build you can try out.

Thanks! Nir

MELERIX's picture

I downloaded the new Dutch file and translated it. The link, also in 'Translation in Dutch' is

Peter Leijsten

Here we go! The language setting is under Options->UI:

Let me know if I missed anything!

Thanks, Nir

MELERIX's picture

First Bug:
- Search stop working when a language is selected.

Missing to translate:
- [Avalaible/Away] & [Support Soulseek!] buttons.


I have the same problem with the search stop. I have found a lot of strings that still need to be translated.
My first suggestions are in a Word document:

Peter Leijsten

Great work Peter, here are the updated language files:


Couple of notes, the Diagnostics tab will remain untranslated as most users don't ever see it, and it's mostly for me to read and diagnose other users' problems. Also, I haven't found an easy way to translate built in stuff, like "Save as" in dialogs, or the entire Select Font dialog.

The search problem is fixed, and will reflect in the next build I link to.

Thanks, Nir

MELERIX's picture

here is Spanish updated:

btw, I noticed that in the strings there is a hardcoded HTML, I've not translated that because I think that should be unhardcoded.

where in SoulseekQT is used that HTML ?

New Dutch translation is finished. Link:

In the word document (yesterday) I had some remarks about the size of boxes. In a very long past I did some programming in Visual Basic and I remember the possibility to make the size of a box depending on the length of the string in it, but I'm sure you know all about that.
In the new file you forgot the program colors, or isn't that easy to change ?
And I missed the complete string when there are no files returned.

I found a Frenchman, an Italian and a German guy to do that translation, so if you can link a file for French, Italian and German, please.

Have a nice day
Peter Leijsten

Sorry for the wait, I've been drowning in work-work the last couple of days. Once you guys are happy with the translation functionality, I'll post links to empty Linguist files for the other languages:

You have a keen eye Liejsten, Linguist's lupdate utility failed to export the color setting strings because they appeared in the code in square brackets (as far as I can tell.) These should have them:



Thanks for the new language file (Dutch), it's ready. Link:
I also missed the strings 'Window background' in the color section and 'Related Searches' when a search is excecuted.

Peter Leijsten


Sorry to say, but in the new file (2013-12-5) the search function still doesn't work. After waiting a while I get the message: Login failed, socket error. Don't know how to solve that. The English version works fine !!

Peter Leijsten

Is it not even letting you log in?


I did a complete delete of both the builds. Re-installed the one with the language files, and it works fine now.
Thanks for answering.

Peter Leijsten


I did a long check of the Dutch version and I have a couple of remarks and suggestions in this document:

Later found missing strings in the .ts file:
In Received Searches: 'Match', in the results, not as title of the column (that's ok)
In Download folder dialog: 'all files shown'

Just one remark here. If I change the font of the client, only the buttons in the action bar change. The rest only after a client restart.
I hope it will be of help

Have a nice weekend
Peter Leijsten

MELERIX's picture

thank you Nir for the new build, now search is working properly ;)

here is the new Spanish file:

To Fix:
- [Support Soulseek!] button now show [tr(Support Soulseek!] instead of the translation.

Missing Strings in the file to be translated:
- "Set Download Folder" tittle in the "Set Download Folder" window.
- "Find User List Configuraton File" title in the "Find User List Configuraton File" window.
- [OK] button in the "Importing user list from original Soulseek client" window.
- [OK] & [Cancel] buttons in the "Add Shared Folder" window.
- all the things in the "Select Font" window.
- all the things in the "Shared Files Rescanned" window.

Hello, I am the one who does the Dutch translation. I had some problems with the last build that Nir send us, but it's solved now.

Peter Leijsten

MELERIX's picture

btw, have you noticed the same missing strings that I reported above ?

Not yet. I'm going to check the program Tab by Tab and event by event, but hadn't time to do that yet. I will especially take a look at the strings you mentioned.

Peter Leijsten

psynaturecybine's picture

once the translation file is updated, please paste again the polish one, so i can polish it ;)

Tristis Oris's picture

this is wonderful news. I can translate into Russian.

I sent you guys invites to a shared Dropbox folder that contains the latest versions of all the language files. You can do the translation right there in the folder, and I'll make sure to update the files when new strings are added that need translation. If you didn't get an invite, private message me and I'll add you.

In the meantime, here's a build with the latest Spanish and Dutch translations:

Thanks, Nir

MELERIX's picture

thank you Nir ;)

invitation accepted, also uploaded tools ;)

Thanks Melerix! Great idea on the tools.

Tristis Oris's picture


Probably all have a problem that is difficult to find without the context of the desired transfer. Just the word "form" has many meanings in Russian, and I could not find this button in the client. Therefore, the question - when do you plan to add translations to the client, At least in the test version?

MELERIX's picture

"form" is synonym of "formulary" if I'm not wrong.

in Russian is "формулярной" according to some translators.

Tristis Oris's picture

I know all the transfer options, because i'm russian, it about 10 values) problem is that without context are often not understood or actions belonging to anything, object \ subjec, number or gender. This is a terrible feature of the language in the form of cases.


Sorry to say, but I didn't receive an invitation for the Dropbox folder. Is that maybe because I don't use Dropbox myself?

MELERIX's picture

try check in your mail, may be the invitation is inside spam folder or related.

Thanks, I checked my mail and indeed I found the invitation. Now I have to figure out how Dropbox works. But please help me out. I can edit the file in the Dropbox. Is saving the file enough to add to changed file to the shared Dropbox ?

No need to answer any more. I found out, Have a nice day

MELERIX's picture

well, you can work with dropbox directly in the website with your dropbox account, drag and drop files directly, download, rename, etc.

also you can download dropbox client (optional) to work directly with the files in your PC.


I've added a folder/file to the Dropbox folder with remarks and suggestions. Will you remove in that file the remarks and suggestions you've seen, so I will know not to add that again. Thanks.

Peter Leijsten

Tristis Oris's picture

U need to register and instal dropbox client.
In share folder u find all files and software in "Tools" folder.
It will be more easy than another way.

I figured out how to install and work with the Dropbox Shared folder. Thanks for answering. Have a nice day.

Peter Leijsten
