Fake leecher client?

In the beginning I was only coming across leechers with the 0-upload-slot hack. Now I've started seeing a variation of that.

They have 1 or more upload slots available, but the transfer never starts. Even if you're the only person trying to download from them and despite having more than 1 upload slot available, it still shows you as being "queued", and you're just sitting there for your download turn even though there's noone before you.

I don't know what can be done about this right now, other than unsharing and blocking them myself. I mean, can their account actually be banned from using Soulseek?

MELERIX's picture

I noticed the same behavior with some users that when you try to download something from them, it stay always in queue, and the funny thing is that sometimes queue is 0, but download never start, even when I have my client open 24/7.

here is some more strange behavior I've noticed: http://www.soulseekqt.net/news/comment/3959#comment-3959

same here. user queue is 0 since 12h.


MELERIX's picture

reporting a leecher: JoHnnY NY

queue slot always in 0.