users getting "file not shared" errors from me constantly...ports are open!

i could have sworn i posted in here a few days ago with this issue.

i can login, search, chat, and download fine. but most of the time people tell me they cannot download from me. everything was working a few months ago. my shared files are straight off the root directory of my hard drive, which ive heard can cause problems, but it worked before. perhaps there is some security update with my OS? im up to date with the mac OS.


Hi Angelhair0
I'm not into OSX at all, but there are only two possibilities:
a) your OS blocks SLSK from access to the files
b) the port for receiving Queue answers are blocked somehow.

for a) it's simplest to grant all read rights to the folder (OSX) which enables SLSK as well. As long as you don't share this notebook with another user there's no security issue behind that.
b) when the two port web checks are running there are only the possibility that a so-called application firewall is not allowing the packets to be answered by your SLSK agent.
a) is very much likely as Unix systems have a very strict kind of philosophy where user files have to be at /home/username... else it get's nasty