Ubuntu 14.04 - Soulseek 64bit - Unfinished transfers disappear after quitting


Just returned to Soulseek after a long absence and love the fact there's a really nice linux client now!

One thing, whenever I quit and restart the program all my unfinished transfers are lost.

Is there something I can do to fix this?



Hi MrMarf
I'm using Raspbian, but what you describe sounds like a cleaning of the config files (all named like: soulseek-client.dat.lotsofnumbers) where the complete history/to do/settings are stored (call it a dynamic .conf file). These are normally under your home/profile folder.
I'd track IF they are created (look for the name), if they change and what happens to them after quitting SLSK. Nicotine+ is another native SLSK client for Linux which works (in my cases) flawlessly as well.