Build Number

Where can I find a) the build information and b) check update?

Have these "features" been removed?

Thank you,


sure you are talking about SoulseekQT? The Build number is in the top row (=creation Date). Check update is new to me in SLSKqt.

Yep there it is - staring me straight in the face. It says SoulseekQt build xxxx etc... Man I looked forever for that - sheeeesh. Thankyou As per check update - I just assume that every program has something like this - so you don't have to manually check. It seems that soulseek doesn't. Why?
Thanks again,


ok thanks

Hi Jarl
SLSKqt is a single executable. It's hard to replace itself with a new version. And Nir would have to order webspace as well + a database for such builds (+microbuild + Multi OS Support). I've been into the apache foundation how they did it and it tooks quite an effort.