OSX Client - UI interaction with "scroll"

dieseljones23's picture
please, add the ability to switch on/off the UIs interaction with "scroll"/scrollwheel This function should: In UIs "menu-bar" and "sub-menu-bar" -> prevent interaction with scrolling/scroll gesture or Scrollwheel so that the selected menu-page would not skip to another menu-page
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Agree, this is VERY annoying! I constantly have tabs switching mistakes with my magic mouse.

dieseljones23's picture

after all, if u want to use your magic mouse seriuosly, there is no way around 3rd party apps, becaue the standart apple configuratuin and use of the magic mouse is very poorly. i used "MagicPrefs" for a long time, but it is buggy and the interface is horrible. so i tried "BetterTouchTool" which is so much better in any way.
dont use magicprefs