[SOLVED] Cannot share my files/folders. Please Help!


I tried to download a folder from a user and it seems like I am not sharing no folders. When I type my username in the search, no file show up, even though I shared the root folder of my music library (containing subfolders). I have the TCP port found in the soulseekqt options window open in the outgoing and in-going rules in Windows.

Please help!

When you click Check Ports in the option screen under Login, your web browser should open 2 tabs and tell you whether your ports really are open. What does it say?

Thanks for the reply.

"Your router and Soulseek client is configured correctly" for both.

EDIT: Port forwarded the listening port on the router. Still music not listed in search.

MELERIX's picture

is normal, you can't search your own files xD

Solved the issue.

With the help of a great guy on soulseek i managed to forward the the listening port in my router settings for both TCP and UDP.

You just need to search the port forwarding section in your router page and check your settings using a tool like http://portforward.com/help/portcheck.htm
