Can't change log-in infomation?

Hi there,

I needed to log back into SLSK for some reason (latest Windows build),

I got my username or password incorrect and it's requesting me to re-enter the correct details.

However when I click the box to enter these details I cannot change them in any way.

Backspace/delete etc. do nothing. Nothing does, the box is stuck with the incorrect info I inserted a week ago, despite uninstalling/reinstalling multiple times!

Please help?!

Many thanks, Adam

The field are display only; click on the button called "login as"


There is no 'login as' button to select. I can highlight the text but not edit it.

SoulseekQt build 2015.6.12

I open the program and instantly and repeatedly get the following message;

"Login failed. The password you supplied does not match your username. Please change your login settings in the Options tab and try reconnecting."

in the Option-Login, there IS a button in the top row called "login as" (just next to "change password"). I'd not attach a screenshot, but there surely is. Else U might want to change the Qt Appearance in the Option menu as well.