Problems with port on soul seek

Hello guys!
This is my first post here on the forum.
I am Gabriel Benhur Schuck, I have 24 years and am visually impaired here
from Brazil.
Soul Seek met and decided to use it because I'm too picky, like
a lot of music and I love discovering new things.
I play keyboards since he was 5 years old and my musical taste is well
Like Pop, Rock, Jazz, Salsa, until volksmusik, which is what most
The software is fantastic to find styles of music as well
However, lately it has problems that are preventing
viewing files of some users, as well as get the user info.
This started when I was using the QT version.
Suddenly, I could not see the files and folders from a
user from my list of users and commented to him chat about
So he recommended me I installed the Soul Seek 157 NS13E, but the
problem seems to persist.
Note: This happens only with some users.
In the program options, I checked the port used to connect and, in tests
he accuses it is closed.
However, there is more to do.
I've been in the router page and released / forwarded the port, restarting the
The strange thing is that even being possible to choose another port, he accuses
port closed, as if everything was closed.
I test with utorrent, where you can also choose the port and use
automatic port forwarding (UPMP). ... The port is open, indicating
not be problems with port forwarding.
Then, there's something wrong with the soul seek and it was not happening.
Already I reinstalled, installed again, including the two had installed ....
I uninstalled it and installed NS ...
Nothing worked.
I wonder what's going on?
When the soul seek is using the same port used by uTorrent (
45766) with activated UPMP, and when I use the program, the other is closed
so there is no conflict.
He was previously configured on port 20107, but the two accused door
It may be possible, otherwise cease to function uT.
Thanks to anyone who can help me.

Hi Gabriel
a) Soulseek reinstall doesn't help solving anything: the installer simple decompresses the exe an creates a shortcut.
b) forwarding ports to your local IP is the important factor, AND no other local firewall interfering. I'd write books about wrong port forwarding. For a start: get your PC a fixed free IP in your range (e.g. and then forward TWO following ports (e.g. 45766 and 45767) to this local IP (TCP and UDP). If the SLSK Port Check reports errors there are errors.

The problem you're facing has nothing to do with SLSK, but how to work behind a firewall (Router) with a server function (P2P) on a client.


Keep also in mind that the older slsk clients used a different server to connect to (pre NS). If the other users are not on the same server you won't see them. But I don't know if the old server is even still running.

I've been using Soulseek for years mostly using the old Soulseek client (non-QT), because QT always seems to be troublesome.

Anyway, after deciding to give QT another go, and spending ages trying to get port forwarding to work on it, I was cursing SoulseekQT once again, and upon discovering Permalink's comments started cursing Permalink too. All my settings were correct, there was a problem with SoulseekQT, not my system and I was sure of it. Permalink was wrong.

However, I didn't give up, and despite my arrogant cursing of Permalink I decided to keep the faith and drew my attention to Permalink's comment about the firewall. If it wasn't SoulseekQT which was the problem, my firewall was the only possible place external to SLSK where there could still be something interfering with the port forwarding. I had already stopped any of the firewall rules associated with SLSK QT from blocking any network communications. . .

. . .So, as a last resort, I just deleted the firewall enteries that were associated with SoulseekQT, rather than just disable them.
Ports open!

Sometimes I hate Windows, but I can't live without it.

Maybe I did get port forwarding working with QT before, but still preferred the old SLSK client. It might just be me upgrading from Windows 7 to Windows 10, and my unfamiliarity with a change in the way the firewall works in 10

Hi muellen
do U really need the internal firewall? As long as U are behind a router there's a trusty FW already build into and NATing does the hiding pretty good. I'm personally using a UMTS Stick to do my INet and there I'm strongly advised to use a FW of any sort as my IP Stack is directly accessible from the outside. But why bothering with two firewalls instead of a safe & trusty one.