dowmload rejected

recently when i try to download files the files turn red with the indication "local error" while the users names turn could you give any instructions on this???????????/

Hi papsnew
what OS are you using and what SLSKqt Version. Does the Port Check work?

Well my friend, thanks for your inerest on my problem. You see i've been normally sharing soulseek and therefore downloading for years with no special problems. Yet a couple of days ago appeared the difficulties i mentioned, so I updated with the latest slskqt build of April 2016 and the only thing that happened is that instead of local error I got the red aborted...and no download... My OS is the usual windows 7 staff for years as well...what can I do???? thanks again in distress....

Hi papsnew
Maybe your router has given you a new IP address (or you have uPNP enabled and thanks to a microsoft update it's not working anymore); your ISP could as well block SLSK that's hard to tell. What SLSKqt Version are you using?

Again: does the web Port Checker (Config-Login) work?