question about soulseekqt on mac

On the downloads transfers page, i haven't been able to work out how to delete the transfers(ie the ones that won't start, or have been denied etc), how do i do this?

Big thanks!

The 'Remove Download(s)' context menu option will remove individual download entries or all download entries under a selected folder or user. The Del key should work too, but I'm using a PC keyboard with my Hackintosh, and I understand that it might not work with a native Mac keyboard.

Thankyou for your reply.
Yes, it seems the delete button doesn't work on this macbookpro keyboard. Where is the Remove Download context menu? I can't find it on the downloads/transfers page. On the downloads/transfers page, the options i have are expand folders, expamd users and clear complete downloads.


Are you able to right-click a download entry?

Now I feel like a big dummy,obviously need to get more acquainted with this machine, you the man cheers! problem solved:)